Monday, May 23, 2011

Week 4: Response to Meghan Bassett's Publishing Leadership Project Post

I am so jealous, you seem to have everything organized and in place. I think the venue you chose to present to is perfect, and would love to hear that you do end up presenting there. I sadly haven't gotten nearly as far as you have and am still debating whether to present or to do a paper. I wished I could be as organized as you are.

Meghan Bassett: Wk 4 Publishing_Leadership Project
I want to publish my article on which is the National Art Education Association website. I think that this is the perfect place to try and publish my work because it is a National organization that is made up of all art teachers at various levels. Most Universities and school districts expect you to be a member of this group, and many use it as a place to find lesson ideas, go to conferences held annually, or find great articles relating to different areas regarding Art Education. I think it would be amazing to be published here because not only would I get my article into the hands of other art teachers, but I would make my screenflow videos available to an array of people that could use them and hopefully create their own. It would open up a new door to sharing amongst art teachers across the country!
I’ve been working with my publishing/leadership project, when I realized I was doing twice the work for no reason!!! Silly me. I started to compile my paper because I had planned on submitting an article to NAEA or SCAEA. Since we are showcasing our work to class next week, I also started a powerpoint highlighting the important parts of my paper. Then I realized I was putting together a presentation. Good thing is, I can take the parts I highlighted in my powerpoint to sift through my massive paper and edit out the pieces that aren’t necessary to get my point across.

So far it’s going well. I think I need to add a little more to the introduction to better explain what I am trying to accomplish with my action research project. I also need to weed through the literature review and cut out most of it, leaving just a sentence or two for each section of the paper. Lastly, I want to go through my Cycles and make sure to explain my results the best way I can without using too many numbers.
Maybe I’ll end up doing a presentation as well, so you never know if I may use both methods! I’m not writing off anything yet.

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