Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 4 “Think Out Loud" PLP blog post Part 2 of 2

I’d love to present at the Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC) in Orlando. After researching this conference, it seems to be the perfect venue for my topic “Does adding graphics and multimedia to lessons affects interest in secondary education?”

I’ve prepared a visual in PowerPoint with speaker notes that discuss and show how to create more effective presentations. I have also included research from my AR that validates how multimedia can enhance classroom participation. Unfortunately research also shows that it doesn’t necessarily increase test scores. I guess having students interested and participating is a major hurdle to overcome though.

The second choice to present would be at the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS). Our school attends this every year and it is full of valuable resources that relate to independent schools. I have always been impressed with the quality of presenters and presentations. I think my AR topic could really benefit educators. I have done a Personal Development presentation with my peers on the topic and was surprised to see how many people 1. Don’t use multimedia in the classroom 2. Do no know how to effectively create presentations that engage students.

Below is the link to my first draft of Publishing/Leadership Project. If you have trouble accessing the Google doc, try switching to Firefox. I will be presenting Thursday evening at 7:30 to a group of peers consisting of:
Michael George
David Hotler

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